Apple is reportedly preparing to launch the iPhone 17 Air, reportedly the thinnest iPhone to date. However, despite its sleek profile, the iPhone 17 Air is expected to arrive with a premium price tag, surpassing that of the 2025 flagship, the iPhone 17 Pro Max. Nevertheless, the higher cost may not reflect any significant upgrades in specifications.
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the ultra-slim smartphone will measure just 6.25mm thick. It will surpass the record formerly held by the iPhone 6, which was 6.9mm thick at its launch in 2014.
Moreover, the leaks suggest that the iPhone 17 Air will run on the non-Pro A19 chip, manufactured using TSMC’s advanced 3nm N3P process. In comparison, the Pro models will be equipped with the A19 Pro chipset. The display will reportedly measure 6.6 inches, slightly smaller than the 6.9-inch screen on the Pro Max.
In addition, another interesting leak about the phone is its single rear camera that will rely on computational photography, taking inspiration from Google’s Pixel devices. It will reportedly include 8GB of RAM to improve its Apple Intelligence features.
One another rumor suggests that Apple’s custom 5G modem, debuting in the iPhone SE 4, will replace Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chip in this model. The switch enables Apple to optimize internal components, allowing the phone’s ultra-thin design while maintaining advanced functionality.